Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Bond

The bond between a mother and child is what motivates her to stick out the first few painful weeks of nursing, when both momma and baby are adjusting to the newness of it all.

The bond between a mother and child is what drives her to spend several hours a day pumping, just so that her baby can have the very best while momma is away.

The bond between a mother and child is what pries her out of bed at 2:30 in the morning, for middle of the night feeds and lullabies. 

The bond between a mother and child is formed from the very moment baby latches, and that bond lays the foundation for the most beautiful and loving relationship that can only exist between a momma and her baby.

Everytime I hold your hand, I feel love.
Everytime I look into your eyes, I see love. 
Every smile, coo, and giggle fills me with love.

How is it possible to love someone this much?


The topic for this week's blog hop was bonding.  For other great breastfeeding blogs, check out the Breastfeeding Blog Hop over at Life With Levi!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. "the most beautiful and loving relationship that can only exist between a momma and her baby"-that's exactly how I feel. I couldn't have said it better.
